Helen Crawford, Former First Soloist, Royal Ballet Company

"Working with Rachael was an eye opening experience for me! I worked with Rachael for a couple of weeks in the run up to surgery on my hip. I can't believe how little I knew about the structure and mechanics of the pelvis and the hip sockets until then. Her Franklin method work was so clear, she has an amazing understanding of the body and the use of imagery that I saw things in a totally new way. Things started to make sense suddenly. It made it so much easier to process what was happening inside my hip and in my head. I had so many 'light bulb' moments during those weeks. I became excited about my forthcoming rehab, wanting to know more about my body instead of feeling terrified of the surgery itself. I knew I had lots of work to do to get as strong as possible pre surgery. I came away feeling strong and energised, full of new inspiration."


Victoria Robinson. New York


Nicola Hurst, Pilates teacher and Women’s Health Physio